AMIC has a profound history in developing memory ICs. Starting as a new memory product division within United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC), the art of making memory integrated circuits has been developed since 1985. Since then, AMIC released many industry-first memory IC products to support the computer-peripheral and consumer electronic industries mainly. AMIC offers its customers one of the largest memory IC portfolios available in the semiconductor industry today. From SRAM to FLASH, from DRAM to FIFO, from Zero bus latency SRAM to Mask ROM.
The types of products manufactured by AMIC Technology - AMIC include Memory ICs: FIFO: Asynchronous, synchronous, FLASH: Industry standard NOR based, SDRAM: Standard and low voltage, low power, DRAM: Asynchronous, low voltage pseudo static RAM, SRAM: Asynchronous,low voltage, low power, H.S. RAM: Synchronous burst, zero bus latency, lower power, Dual Port RAM: Asynchronous industry standard type, ROM: Mask-ROM and OTP products, and Flash pin-out compatible. RF ICs: Data communication IC's, Satellite communication IC's, and Mobile communication IC's.
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