Linear Technology Corporation designs and manufactures a broad line of standard high performance integrated circuits for applications including telecommunications, cellular telephones, networking products, notebook and desktop computers, video/multimedia, industrial instrumentation, automotive electronics, factory automation, process control, and military and space systems. Linear Technology manufacturers products in the following categories: amplifiers, battery management, data converters, high frequency, interface, voltage regulators and voltage references.
The types of products manufactured by Linear Technology - LTC include Amplifiers, Comparators, Filters, Voltage References, RMS-DC Conversion Products, Analog-to-Digital Converters, Digital-to-Analog Converters, Switches and Multiplexers, Switching Regulators, Linear Regulators, Modules, Inductorless DC/DC Converters, LED Drivers, Battery Management Ics, Power Controllers, Hot Swap Controllers, System Monitor and Controls, RS232/RS562 Ics, RS485/422 Ics, Multiprotocol Ics, I2C and SMBus Bus Buffers and Accelerators, SIM Interface Ics, CAN Transceiver Ics, Upconverting Mixers, Downconverting Mixers, I/Q Modulators, I/Q Demodulators, IF Amplifiers / ADC Drivers, RF Schottky Peak Detectors, RF Log Detectors, Low Power Transceivers, Power Amplifier Controllers, Optical Communications Devices, Radiation Tolerant Products, Military/JAN S Products, Thermocouple Compensators, Thermoelectric Cooler Controllers, Piezo Microactuator Drivers, Switched Cap Building Blocks, and Silicon Oscillators.
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