PROMAX-JOHNTON CORP. has been recognized as a leading manufacture of linear integrated circuits, such as operational amplifier, comparaton, low dropout regulators, DC to DC converters, various kinds of discrete devices. PROMAX-JOHNTON owns fab and assembly plants both in Keelung, Taiwan and in Ningbo, China significantly increasing production, quality assurance, and delivery capabilities. Due to additional automation, new machinery, and improved process control, productivity has been greatly augmented with escalated yield.
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The types of products manufactured by Promax-Johnton include Linear Voltage Regulators, Low Dropout Linear Voltage Regulators, Power Supply Circuits, Amplifiers & Comparators, Voltage References, Darlington Arrays, High Voltage Power Switching Regulators, Tone Ringers, Schottky Barrier Rectifiers, Fast Recovery / Ultra Fast Recovery Diodes, Triacs, MOSFETs, and Transistors.
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