Rabbit Semiconductor is a fabless semiconductor company specializing in high-performance 8-bit microprocessors and development tools for embedded control, communications, and Ethernet connectivity. A sister division of single-board computer and software manufacturer Z-World, Rabbit Semiconductor introduced the Rabbit 2000 microprocessor in 1999 and the Rabbit 3000 in 2002. The industry award-winning RabbitCore line of microprocessor core modules was introduced in 2001. Rabbit Semiconductor offers customers a complete embedded design system, including low-cost development kits and comprehensive technical support for both hardware and software issues.
Rabbit Semiconductor was acquired by Digi International in May, 2005.
The types of products manufactured by Rabbit Semiconductor include Development Kits, Rabbit Microprocessors, RabbitFLEX, PowerCore FLEX, Microprocessor Core Modules, Single-Board Computers, Expandable Control Systems, Application Kits, Operator Interfaces with I/O, Ethernet & TCP/IP Connectivity Products, Integrated Development Software, Peripherals & Accessories, Reference Books, and Third-Party Products.
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